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Adding a GL Account

This function gives the ability to create and maintain your own internal ledger to map products and purchase orders to your existing accounting system.  A General Ledger can keep track of expenses for certain products or product types as well as send coded invoice data to your organization’s internal system.  The system supports the use of multiple ledgers. 

Add a General Ledger Account

To add a GL Account follow the steps below. 

  1. View > Accounting > General Ledger.

  2. Click the green plus sign.

  3. Determine whether this item is Active by selecting Y or N.

  4. Assign your Account Number and Account Name.

  5. Is this a Cost Center? Y/N

  6. Is this a Profit Center? Y/N

  7. Require Asset ID? Y/N

  8. Parent Account: Assign to a master GL account (if required).

  9. Subtotaling Account: Assign to account if applicable.

  10. Assign to a Cost/Profit Center Account if applicable.

  11. Click Update.


To remove a GL account, go to View>Accounting>General Ledger>Search for the Account>click the pencil and paper icon. Under the ‘Is Active’ option, select No>click Update.  This GL account is no longer available for use, but can be reactivated at any time.

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