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Disputing an Invoice

Occasionally an invoice will reach your receiving page with errors. This invoice could be for another location altogether or could have an inaccurate list of shipped items on it. In these cases, orders can be disputed by taking steps similar to those taken to receive an order.

Dispute an Invoice

To dispute an invoice follow the same steps you would to receive an order, but select the Dispute button.

  1. Go to View > Receiving.

  2. Select a Location if assigned to more than one.

  3. Search for the purchase order > click the PO Number hyperlink.

  4. Enter comments regarding your Dispute in the Receiving Comments section > Dispute.

Receive a Disputed Invoice

To receive an invoice in disputed status, follow your normal receiving steps.

  1. Go to View > Receiving.

  2. Select a Location if assigned to more than one.

  3. Search for the purchase order > click the PO Number hyperlink.

  4. Make sure all required information is correct > Submit.

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