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FAQ GridView Help

EPRO offers an advanced GridView control feature that allows you to easily view data in a list format. With this new style grid, you can group, sort, filter, and re-order columns with just a few clicks of the mouse. You can also export data without leaving the current list page. Here is a breakdown of how to use these exciting features:


All records returned by filtering instructions will be exported, despite the selection box. The number of records exported will match the total shown in the page navigation section of the grid.

Selected Records

Only selected records will be exported. Make sure to check the checkbox next to each record you want to export.


Records can be exported into a PDF document.


Records can be exported into an Excel spreadsheet for easy manipulation.


To group by a specific column, click on the Grouping button and drag the column header to the designated area labeled "Drag a column here to group by that column." You can add multiple columns for sorting purposes. For example, if you drag the City column, the grid will refresh to show all cities in alphabetical order. To remove the grouping, simply drag the column back or unselect the Grouping button.


Activate the filter bar by clicking on the filter button at the top of the screen. Input your search criteria in the corresponding column's filter box to find specific information within the grid.

Value Filter

Customize filters available for a column based on the data it holds. For example, number columns will have options suited for easy numerical filtering.


Reverse the child and parent data representations to apply filters at a broader level.

Column Selection

Choose the columns to display by using the field chooser control. Drag column labels to/from the field chooser to add/remove columns from the grid..

Column Reordering

Rearrange columns by dragging labels in front of or behind other columns.


Sort data by clicking on a column header. Clicking a second time will reverse the order. Hold down the shift key to sort by multiple columns.

View Options

Customize the view of the application with the View Options panel. Options include Standard View, Classic View, Grid View, and Essentials View.

Standard View

Standard view displays the side navigation bar, top grid controls as well as the standard menu bar.

Classic View

Classic view removes the side navigation bar and expands the records. The grid controls and standard menu bar are still visible.

Grid View

Grid view removes the side navigation bar and standard menu bar allowing the records to expand. The grid control remains in this view.

Essentials View

Essentials view displays the side navigation bar and grid controls, removing the standard menu bar.

Reset Grid

Reset all Grid options back to default settings.

Reset Site

Reset all customization settings back to default settings.

Records Per Page

Select how many records to display per page from preset options on the Paging bar at the bottom of the grid. Larger record sets may result in longer wait times between pages.

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