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Requisition Approval

Below the Requisition tab you will see 5 action buttons: Refresh, Approve, Decline, Redirect and Delete. When any action or event happens the system automatically notifies the other party.

  • Refresh – refreshes the page.

  • Approve – approves a purchase order.

  • Decline – declines a purchase order.

  • Delete – deletes a purchase order.

  • Redirect – allows an approver to route a purchase order to someone else in the organization to review and approve.

Find the Purchase Order requisition for review. By default the page shows purchase orders pending your approval.

Approve or Edit a Purchase Order

To Approve (and/or Edit) a purchase order requisition follow the steps below.

  1. Go to View > Workflow Queue.

  2. View the purchase order requisition details, click on its Confirmation #.

  3. To edit quantities - Edit quantities by changing the number.

    • To delete an item - Enter zero “0” quantities for any items you do not wish to approve.

    • To add an item - Click the add products button to add additional items to the order.

    • If any edits are made, click the Refresh button.

      • An email message will be sent to the purchase order originator to inform them of the changes.

      • If the purchase order require furthers approval, place a check mark next to the purchase order’s confirmation number, click the Redirect button and select the appropriate person.

  4. Return to the Approval screen, on the upper left using the return arrow.

  5. Place a check mark in the box next to the request reviewed.

  6. Click on the green Approve button. It will disappear from your screen meaning it has moved to the next Approver or has been submitted directly to the Vendor.

Decline a Purchase Order

To Decline a purchase order requisition follow the steps below.

  1. Go to View > Workflow Queue.

  2. View the purchase order request details, click on its confirmation number.

  3. On the upper right hand, enter your reason in the comment box.

  4. Return to the Approval screen, on the upper left use the Return arrow.

  5. Place a check mark in the box next to the request reviewed.

  6. Click on the red Decline button. It will disappear from your screen meaning it has been sent back to the End User.

  7. An email message will be sent to the Purchase Order originator to inform them of the changes.

Delete a Purchase Order

To Delete a purchase order requisition follow the steps below.

  1. Go to View > Workflow Queue.

  2. Place a check mark in the box next to the requisition you wish to delete.

  3. Click on the red X delete button. It will disappear from your screen meaning it has been sent back to the End User.

  4. An email message will be sent to the Purchase Order originator to inform them of the changes.


Once a requisition is deleted it cannot be restored. The Purchase Order must be re-created.

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