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Service Request

The Service Request Form is similar to the Requisition Form.  They are both free form requests that require a user to enter all information manually. The Service Request Form submitted will go straight to the Supplier unless settings have been configured to require Corporate approval before submission.

Submit a Service Request

  1. Go to View > Purchasing > Service Request.

  2. Select a location by clicking on the hyperlinked name. (If you have access to more than one location.)

  3. Follow each step in the Service Request Wizard.

  4. Fill out all applicable information and select File > Submit or use the Submit button at the bottom of the screen.

Service Categories

On this screen you have the ability to create Product Categories and add items to categories that help keep track of Inventory.

To create a category and add items, perform the steps listed below. 

  1. Go to View > Account Setup > Service Categories.

  2. Located to the left is a Category Filter (Category Filter).

  3. To add a new Root Category > VIEW > select Add Root Category.

  4. To add a Child Category, repeat step 3 > select Add Child Category.


To edit a category, click the category > VIEW > select Edit Selected Category. To remove a category, click the category > VIEW > click on Remove Selected Category

When creating a Service Category, you have the ability to enter parameters for each category.

  1. After the category has been created > fill in information for Category Properties & Category Questions.

  2. ACTION > Save Properties.

  3. You can add a question by typing it into the field > ACTION > Add Question.

  4. You can edit the question by clicking on the hyperlinked question > making changes in Add/Edit Question section > ACTION> Edit Question.

  5. To remove a question > check the box next to the question under the Remove column > ACTION > Remove Questions.

Category Properties

  • Not to Exceed - Enter a dollar amount.  The supplier is required to fill any service request at or below the specified amount.

  • Category Lead - click the ellipsis to select a person to be notified upon service requests placed in this Category.

  • Default Days for Completion - Select a default number of days to complete a service request.

  • Supplier Auto Accept - If selected, supplier does not get an option to opt out of or accept work.

Category Questions

  • Add/Edit Question - The user submitting a service request will answer predetermined questions that assist the supplier in diagnosing an issue; also known as ticket avoidance questions.

  • Priority - Enter a numerical value that will be used to sequence questions by level of importance.

  • Private? - Only the person placing a service request can see predetermined questions.  This option says the questions are not for a supplier.

Purchase Orders

The EPRO system allows you to pull up and review Purchase Orders. These are handled based on the settings your organization has in place. Orders are stored in the database and can be reviewed from your browser for up to five years. Information older than five years will be archived and available by special request only.

To see a list of all purchase orders, which can be searched by invoice #, confirmation #, or many other variables, follow the steps below.

  1. Go to View > Accounting > Purchase Orders.

  2. Click the hyperlinked Confirmation # of the relevant order to view the order as is.

  3. Click the PO Number to view the details of the order or to adjust the received quantities.

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