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Shopping Cart

The Product Catalog uses a Cart to collect items prior to creating the purchase order.

  1. Go to View > Purchasing > Product Catalog.

  2. Select the Suppliers whose catalogs you want to view by checking the box next to their name.

  3. Use the search box at the top of each column to search within that category (ex. Item Name, Item Description).

  4. Find items you want to purchase then add them to your cart by clicking the Buy button next to each item.

  5. To check out, click the My Cart drop down arrow then click Check Out.

  6. Enter your Order Contact Name.

  7. Click Add Locations to select your location as the item's shipping destination.

  8. Enter the desired quantity for each item.

  9. Click Review Order to access the Check Out page.

  10. Review your order a final time to ensure all details are correct.

  11. Select Standard (default) or Emergency for your Order Priority.

  12. Check the box to verify I have reviewed this order and wish to proceed.

  13. Click Submit Order.

  14. Wait for the Order Confirmation screen.

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