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EPRO 20231218

Version - EPRO 20231218

Release Date - 12/18/2023

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KeyComponentsUser ImpactRelease Note
EPRO-2872ReportingNo- Added a new column "Quantity Ordered" to the Item Level Spend - CSV report in EPRO Analytics (System Reports > Compliance Reports).
- The new column will populate with the number of the given item ordered on the referencing PO.
- Users are encouraged not to run the report for YTD or the previous year as it may cause processing errors due to large result sets
EPRO-2857Accounting, Inventory, ReportingNo- Added two new Inventory reports for sales and count info by location.
- Generate report on Inventory Sales Information.
- Select a specific date range for the sales report.
- Include sales data from all locations in one report.
- Sales report includes Date, Transaction details, location, Item name, Buyer item number, Unit cost per item, and Category.
EPRO-2832Recipe ManagementNo- Added code to pull recipes for buyer item numbers in sales files
- Recipes are extracted from the files and associated with their respective item numbers
EPRO-2800ReportingNo- Invoices in ICQ Ignore status will now be flagged as 0ICQIGNORE on the bulk invoice query.
- Customers will be able to easily identify and differentiate invoices in ignore status.
- This will prevent customers from re-scanning ignored invoices and incurring additional charges.
EPRO-2768Inventory, ReportingNo- Added two new reports in EPRO Analytics: Count and Count - CSV
- These reports show the count entries and their value for each location during a specified date range
- Users can easily track counts and values for each location and item using these reports.




KeyComponentsUser ImpactRelease Note
EPRO-2901AccountingNo- Fixed an issue where users were unable to change GL coding on lines in GL summary while receiving.
- Fixed an issue where users couldn't add a new line to GL summary and assign GL code while receiving.
- Resolved an issue where changing the budget period did not refresh the split coding grid in receiving when auto-calculate was unchecked.
- Resolved an issue where changing the GL code on summary did not refresh the budget available for that GL code in the order guide.
- Resolved an issue where adding GL code to GL Summary and ticking auto-calculate did not refresh the GL summary with assignments from the transaction in the order guide.
EPRO-2879Accounting, ReportingNo- Fixed issue where user-set grid preferences, such as re-ordered columns, were not saved between sessions.
- User grid preferences will now be retained and remain the same in future sessions.
EPRO-2876AccountingNo- Corrected an issue where duplicate budget periods were displaying improperly in the GL Summary.
EPRO-2855PurchasingNo- Added code to the checkout process to purge the rescue cart on successful order submission to prevent duplication of items
- Punchout carts are now returned successfully
- Non punchout catalog checkouts operate successfully without error
EPRO-2810Recipe ManagementNo-Users can now successfully edit and save the changes to a recipe number.
EPRO-2798PurchasingNoUsers were encountering an error message while attempting to purge items in the Due status.
- The error message stated that the item could only be purged in the EPRO AP Module, even for non-EPRO AP Customers.
- The necessary corrections have been made to ensure proper purging functionality.
EPRO-2797ReportingNo- Fixed error when accessing the supplier selector in areas where Preferred Supplier YN is not applicable, like in Bulk Invoice Query (BIQ).
EPRO-2795AccountingNo- Resolved error that occurred when trying to split across locations without assigned budgets.
EPRO-2794Inventory, ReportingNo- Fixed issue with the inventory report, it will now display the correct tab names for each inventory period, ensuring accurate identification and organization of data.
EPRO-2793IntegrationNo- Corrected an issue with data formatting on the PO Acknowledgement interface file.



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