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EPRO 20240324

Version - EPRO 20240324

Release Date - 03/24/2024

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KeyComponentsUser ImpactRelease Note
EPRO-3258SystemNo- Added updates for default EDI processing code to support a ship-to map if it exists in the system configuration for the supplier
EPRO-3249SystemNo- Added a field to update the customer service phone number in the preferences settings
EPRO-3225Inventory, ReportingNo- Added total waste value column in the Inventory Waste - SV report
EPRO-3219Accounting, ReportingNo- Added separate cells that generate GL Account #s and Account Names in the Accrual by GL - CSV report
EPRO-3210SystemNo- Corrected the issue that was causing the server error when attempting to display Corporate Preferences for Distributor
EPRO-3199PurchasingNo- Fixed the issue with the Origin flag not being set correctly in the ICQ
EPRO-3193ReportingNo- Added a new system report titled "Approved Item List with GL Account - CSV" to the General Setup Reports section
EPRO-3186SystemNo- Fixed a query problem that was causing currently assigned vendor locations to not be properly excluded and was preventing any vendor locations from being available for selection
EPRO-3181Accounting, ReportingNo- Added updates to separate Budget Analysis report into two distinct reports: one with detailed information and one without. This will allow users to choose the level of detail they need for their analysis
EPRO-3176PurchasingNo- Fixed issue causing error when clicking on PO hyperlinks in the Receiving screen
EPRO-3165Administrative, SystemNo- Added the ability to automate user addition feeds in the EPRO system, when a default security role has been defined, the system will automatically assign the role to a new user added
EPRO-3162ReportingNo- Added a new system report in General Setup Reports called GL Codes by Location
EPRO-3160ReportingNo- Added updates to the Vendor Property Details Report reducing process time to avoid a processing error
EPRO-3159PurchasingNo- Added tooltip feature that displays "Preferred Supplier / Item" when hovering over the blue star icon
EPRO-3149Administrative, ReportingNo- Added updates to the User Activity report with improved functionality and enhanced data visualization

- Added a new report, User Location Assignment, which allows users to expand into a selected user's assignments and view detailed information about their assigned locations
EPRO-3147AccountingNo- Added adjustments to budget integrations for customers to exclude locations marked as deleted when looking up budgets. This ensures that only active locations are assigned to budgets, and any deleted locations are ignored in the process
EPRO-3143PurchasingNo- Corrected issue causing orders not to submit after entering CVV number
EPRO-3138ReportingNo-Added a new system report under General Setup > Approved Items List with Categories – CSV, the new report includes buyer category data per item, providing more comprehensive information for users
EPRO-3101Purchasing, ReportingNo- Added new system report under Purchase Orders > EPRO Dashboard that provides summary purchase order information by location
EPRO-3098SystemNo- Added support for creating freight-only credits
EPRO-3075SystemNo- Added functionality disabling flag ignore feature on ICQ successful invoices now only allowing failed invoices to be flagged as ignored
EPRO-3071PurchasingNo- Added functionality to allow for correct saving of split invoices in the EPRO receiving screen and fixed split hyperlink not resetting after selecting split locations
EPRO-3065Recipe ManagementNo- Added functionality for users to define alternate ingredients/sub-recipes that will be used for specific locations, while all other locations will use the default ingredients/sub-recipes
EPRO-2699PurchasingNo- Added advanced upload template converting V1 Purchase Upload to V2 Advanced Upload for purchase orders




KeyComponentsUser ImpactRelease Note
EPRO-3192PurchasingNo- Fixed issue where handling fees were not being displayed in the sub-totaling section during order creation
EPRO-3135InventoryNo- Fixed issue where some QR codes were unable to be displayed in the QR Inventory report
EPRO-3130InventoryNo- Fixed issue with import not inserting the Quantity per Unit field
EPRO-3095AccountingNo- Fixed miscalculations in budget periods displaying incorrect formatting
EPRO-2943SystemNo- Fixed issues caused by selecting all remit to(s) by removing the option to do so



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