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Building a Budget

The Budget feature allows corporate to set up a budget by their General Ledger accounts to keep track of spending. This function permits Corporate users to create expense allocations for individual locations or all locations across the company. Each Budget can be set to a Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly or Annually parameter. This will allow corporate users to track their location’s spending.

Managing Budgets

Add a Budget

To add a budget follow the steps below. 

  1. View > Accounting > Budgets.

  2. Click the green plus sign .

  3. Assign a name in the Budget field (Each Budget requires a unique name).

  4. Choose the Effective From and Effective To dates.

  5. Choose a Period for this Budget: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Annually.

  6. Select Update.

To edit a Budget, click the pencil and paper icon for the corresponding Budget.

Add, Edit, Remove Locations in the Budget

To alter locations in a budget follow the steps below. 

  1. View > Accounting > Budgets.

  2. Click the Locations hyperlink for the budget you wish to setup locations for.

  3. Click the green plus sign > select a location(s) from the list > Add Selected Location(s).

  4. To remove a location, click the red X  next to the corresponding location.

Export or Edit Budget Period Allocation

To export a budget follow the steps below. 

  1. To edit or export a Period Allocation for a location, click the Period Allocation/GL Account (Calendar) icon next to the corresponding location.

  2. Select Excel or PDF from the drop down list.

  3. Click Export. On this screen you can also edit the Budget Period Amount, simply edit the amount and the page will automatically save the information.

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