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Inventory Closing Period

Once an Inventory Period is ready to be closed, go to

  1. View > Inventory > By Location.

  2. Select a location from the drop down list.

  3. Select a period from the Inventory Period drop down list > click Close Period > click Close Window.

  4. The next period will be created automatically.


  • Edit Items - To edit an item, click the expand arrow next to the item > click the Edit button > update information > Update. To remove an item, click the Red X to the left of that item > Confirm Delete > OK.

  • Location Inventory Only - When you select Location Inventory Only from the Inventory Scope drop down list, ONLY items that are setup as inventoried for THAT location will appear. If no items are setup for a location, select Company Wide Inventory Item and follow steps above to add an item.

  • Require Count to Close Inventory - If the setting Require Count to Close Inventory is set to ‘Yes’, you will have to set the transaction type to ‘Count’ and enter the quantity before you can close the Inventory Period.

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