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Inventory Items

On this screen you are able to add locations to items.

In the Inventory Scope drop down list, by selecting Inventory Locations Only, ONLY locations with this item setup in their Inventory will populate. By selecting All Locations, all theater locations will populate. To setup a new location for this item, select All Locations.

  1. Go to View > Inventory > By Item.

  2. Select an item from the Item Selection drop down list.

  3. Select a location > click the expand button (arrow) next to the location > click the green plus sign.

  4. Select an Inventory Period.

  5. Select a Trx Type.

    • Count - Physically counted item in inventory.

    • Stock- increment; when an item is “received” into inventory.

    • Comp - decrement; Complimentary item.

    • Damage - decrement; Damaged item. This differs from Waste and Spoilage.

    • Return - decrement; when an item is returned to the vendor and a credit is requested.

    • Sales - decrement; when an item is sold.

    • Spoilage - decrement; when an item spoils and is not usable or sellable.  Age or improper storage of the item is the cause of spoilage.

    • Transfer In - increment; when an item is transferred into inventory from another affiliate location.

    • Transfer Out - decrement; when an item is transferred out of inventory to another affiliate location.

    • Waste - decrement; when an item is wasted during the manufacturing process.  This is excess material available but not used during the manufacturing process.

  6. Select an Effective Date.

  7. Enter the number of items On Hand/Delta.

  8. Enter any comments or references related to this item > Update.

Note: To edit an item, click the notepad button > update information > Update. To remove an item, click the red X > Confirm Delete > OK.

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