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Purchasing Order Guide Help Documentation

Welcome to the EPRO Mobile App! This guide will walk you through the steps to efficiently use an Order Guide to place orders through the app. Follow these easy-tounderstand steps to ensure a smooth experience.

Step 1: Log into the EPRO Mobile App

• Open the EPRO Mobile App on your device.

• Enter your User Credentials (Username and Password).

• Tap the Login button.

Step 2: Navigate to the Order Guide

• Once logged in, locate the Fly Out Menu (represented by three horizontal lines in the top left corner of the screen).

• Tap on Purchasing Order Guides.

Step 3: Select Your Location (if applicable)

If you are assigned to multiple locations:

• A list of locations will appear.

• Choose the correct location from the list to ensure you're ordering from the right spot.

Step 4: Choose the Order Guide

• After selecting the location, browse through the available Order Guides.

• Once you find the desired Order Guide, tap to access the items within it.

Step 5: Add Items to Your Cart

• To add items you can either:

• Search by Name: Enter the name of the order guide in the search bar.

• Sort the items by:

o In Cart

o Price (Low to High)

o Price (High to Low)

o Name

o Category

o Frequently Purchased

o Newest

o Recently Purchased

• Press the + button next to the item to increase the quantity.

• Alternatively, you can type in the desired number of items in the provided field.

• To remove items, press the – button next to the item.

Step 6: Proceed to Checkout

• Once you have added all your desired items, look for the Checkout button, typically at the bottom of the screen, and tap it.

Step 7: Fill Out Checkout Information

On the checkout page, you will encounter several options:

• Preferred Delivery Day: Select the date you would like the order delivered.

• Preferred Carrier: Choose your preferred shipping carrier from the options provided.

• Contact Name: Enter the name of the person to be contacted regarding the order.

• Emergency Submission: Check this box if you want to submit the order as an emergency.

• Bypass Order Transmission: Select this option if you want to skip the usual order submission process.

• Use a Credit Card: If applicable, input credit card information for payment.

Step 8: Review GL Summary and Codes

• Review the GL Summary, which will show you the budget and associated GL codes.

• To set different GL codes for specific items, click on Modify Cart Items: You can select a different GL code for each item as necessary.

• After making any changes, tap Save and Close.

Step 9: Add Comments (if needed)

• If you want to leave comments for the supplier, select Modify Shipping Information.

• Enter any necessary comments in the provided field.

Step 10: Submit Your Order

• Once you have satisfied yourself with all the order details, tap the Submit Order button.

• After submission, the Order Confirmation page should load, indicating that your order has been successfully placed.

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