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Regions are created to organize locations that share similar physical locations. Each region has a designated manager. Utilizing the Regions feature will help streamline monitoring of specific areas and their respective activities.

Add a Region

  1. Go to View > Account Setup > Company Profile Regions

  1. Click the green plus sign to add a Region.

  1. The New Region window will pop up for you to specify a Region Name.

  2. Use the ellipsis ... to search for and select a Manager and Supervisor (if applicable) for that region.


  3. Click Save.

Add a Location to a Region

Locations can be added to a Region so they can be grouped under a particular Region Manager. To add a Location to a Region you must navigate back to the Locations screen.

  1. Go to View > Account Setup > Company ProfileLocations and search for the location.


  2. Then select Edit > Edit Location.

  3. You will see an option to the right that says Region*.

  4. Click the arrow to drop down a list of Regions, select your region, and File > Save.

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