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Basic Setup

The Basic Setup section covers all the essential elements needed to navigate the system, including Users, Locations, Regions, and the company Message Board. In these articles, we will discuss the importance of each entity and provide guidance on how to add, edit, and deactivate them.

Users are individuals who have access to the system with specific Authorization Levels such as Corporate, Region, Location, and Accounting. Users can also be assigned Security Roles to customize their capabilities.

Locations represent different units or departments within your organization. All transactions, like Orders and Invoices, are tied to a specific location. Additionally, Locations can be linked to Budgets if you are using the Budget Management features.

Regions consist of groups of Locations, allowing you to manage multiple Locations at a Regional level.

The Message Board is a feature on the main Dashboard where you can add, edit, or delete Messages from the Message Board list.

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