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Inventory Sheet-to-Shelf

The Sheet-to-Shelf feature was designed for users to have the ability to organize their Count Sheets in a way that resembles their store rooms or general inventory for doing physical end counts.

Item Sorting

Sheet-to-Shelf functionality can be activated on your count sheet. Simply toggle the switch for Sheet-to- Shelf to the On position. The toggle control will become highlighted when on. You can now arrange the order of items as you wish by just dragging and dropping items into position.

Item Categories

You can also manage the item categorization from your Count Sheet as well. This includes changing or editing the categories as well as creating new ones.

You can export your count sheet to excel or PDF by right clicking anywhere in the grid and selecting the export options. This will export a clean count sheet in the same grouping and sort order as your screen shows. By aligning a printed count sheet with the order of items on the screen, the count process is expedited.

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