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EPRO 20240204

Version - EPRO 20240204

Release Date - 02/04/2024

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KeyComponentsUser ImpactRelease Note
EPRO-3061Accounting, ReportingNo- Corrected the internal report error which caused the processing issue.
EPRO-3043Accounting, ReportingNo- Modified the Accounting > Accrual with GL - CSV report to display the full GL Account trail. This enhancement will ensure that customers can now access the parent account and account number details within the report.
EPRO-3026AccountingNo- Fixed the failed date function, ensuring that users are now able to change the budget for Requisitions in the Workflow Queue without any issues.
EPRO-3011AccountingNo- Budgets will be sorted by the begin effective date in descending order. This ensures that the most recent budgets are displayed first. In addition, budgets will be sorted in ascending order based on project type budget. This ordering will further enhance the usability of the budget selector, allowing users to find the budgets they need more efficiently.
EPRO-3005Inventory, ReportingNo- Implemented a new feature that advises users on the most likely date range to yield results for each report. This will help users set the start date parameter more accurately and improve the accuracy of their inventory reports. In addition, we have reviewed all the available and old system inventory reports to identify areas for improvement. Some reports have been removed as they were no longer relevant, while others have been reworked to enhance their functionality.
EPRO-2997Inventory, ReportingNo- Removed Period End Count report from Inventory reports, in its place the recently added Count Report has been designed to cater to all user needs and provide accurate data for periodical counts.
EPRO-2990SystemNo- Users will no longer encounter discontinued items in the Requisition Form when using the Item Lookup feature. The updated system will enhance efficiency and minimize any confusion related to the availability of items.
EPRO-2972Capital Projects, ReportingNo- introducing a new report called Capital Projects Snapshot in our EPRO Analytics system. This release includes both CSV and PDF versions of the report, which provide valuable information on various project details.
EPRO-2970Inventory, MobileNo- Users can now easily access and view the QR codes associated with their created inventory items directly from the web interface. This feature eliminates the need for manual scanning or relying solely on mobile devices to retrieve QR code information. As well as migrating the QR code report functionality to EPRO Analytics.
EPRO-2949ReportingNo - Added preferred vendor YN column to the EPRO Analytics Spend Analysis Report.
EPRO-2946SystemNo- A fix has been implemented to ensure that users can now click on the PO hyperlink without encountering any error pages, users will be able to resume receiving purchase orders as usual.
EPRO-2945Recipe ManagementNo- Modified the core point of sale processing routines. The new modification supports multiple occurrences of recipe ingredient matches, ensuring that the correct quantities are deducted from the inventory. The system will now accurately sum the quantities from all relevant recipes and deduct the correct total amount.
EPRO-2938SystemNo- Implemented a fix that will ensure proper grouping of records, regardless of time zone data. Affected users will be able to navigate to the invoice entry page smoothly without encountering any errors.
EPRO-2771InventoryNo- The selected period on the page will now default to the most current open period, this ensures that users are directed to the appropriate inventory period when accessing the inventory by location page.
EPRO-1889Inventory, SystemNoPlease visit for more information.

- Fixed issue with incorrect sorting for Sheet To Shelf (Drag and Drop) functionality.
- Removed count requirement flag from Count Sheet.
- Added storage location name to header text of count sheet when entering inventory transactions.
- Reorganized header controls on count sheet.
- Moved Clear Filters and Reset Page functionality from footer to header.
- Adjusted size of "Change Category" popup on count sheet.
- Removed alert when accessing count sheet and Transfer is selected transaction type.
- Fixed bug related to error message display after saving counts.
- Adjusted optional columns.
- Added columns for Unit Cost and Inventory Value on count sheet.
- Added sum of Total Inventory Value in Footer.
- Corrected bug related to displaying incorrect Total Count for non-count transactions.
- Allowed user to enter cost for Stock transactions.
- Inventory Screens (By Location, By Item, Tab View-Manage Location):
- Fixed issue of displaying incorrect quantity on hand for items when storage location was selected.
- Removed ability to enter Transfer transactions when viewing inventory detail entries.
- Modified inventory entry screen to hide redundant beginning and end date of inventory period.
- Expanded inventory period combo drop down column width.
- Modified date and inventory period filter controls to work independently.
- Dim main screen on callbacks.
- Changed label "Count Date" to "On Hand Date" on main item display.
- Changed default sort to effective date descending.
- Fixed issue with incorrect inventory values display for items with master item configured.
- Fixed issue with detail records not respecting date filter.
- Consolidated purchase unit of measure and quantity per unit to "Purchased As" column.
- Adjusted optional columns.
- Displayed inventory unit of measure as separate cell next to on hand amount.
- Added ability to reset cost for inventory items.
- Disabled cost reset link on non-stock and closed period records.
- Added support for inventory transfer approvals and history.
- Added support for completion/conditional approval of transfer when count sheet is closed.
- Added "Transfers" menu option.
- Added approval/declination capability to pending transfers.
- Supports ability to adjust transfer quantities and effective date of transfer.




KeyComponentsUser ImpactRelease Note
EPRO-3039AccountingNo- Corrected the problem with split coding when there are no budgets assigned to the location. Customers will now be able to use split coding as intended, even if budgets are not assigned.
EPRO-2807Inventory, ReportingNo- Fixed issue with Trending Net Transfers and Detail Report not running by replacing it with Transfers Detail Report, this change will enable smoother and more efficient reporting for users.



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