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Introducing Purchasing Order Guides to Mobile

New Ordering Enhancements Coming Q3 2024

We are thrilled to announce a new feature in the EPRO Mobile App that will revolutionize how you manage and place orders on the go: the Purchasing Order Guide Module! For a step-by-step guide please click here.

Slated for release on August 8, 2024.

New Feature Overview

The Purchasing Order Guide Module enables users to:

Manage All Order Guide Types: Access distinct lists of items tailored to your needs across all order guide types, providing a comprehensive ordering solution.

User-Friendly Interface: Items will be displayed in a card style, making it easy for users to navigate and choose products.

Detailed Item Data: Each item includes essential information: supplier, item name, unit of measure (UOM), pack size, and price.

Checkout Process Enhancements

Search and Filter Options: Users can now search and filter items effortlessly with the following new functionalities:

  • Price

  • Name

  • Category

  • Frequently

  • Purchased

  • Newest

  • Recently

  • Purchased

The streamlined checkout process allows users to replenish supplies efficiently, manage large catalogs of items, and adapt to frequently changing inventories, all from the convenience of their mobile devices.

Release Notes

With the addition of managed Order Guides to our mobile app, you can now:

  • Browse and select from specific items.

  • Easily replenish supplies on the go.

  • Experience a streamlined ordering process from extensive and frequently updated order guides.

Download the EPRO Mobile app today from the Apple or Google Play store.

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