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Data & Integration

There are currently two primary types of integration that take place between EPRO and another business system that might be vital to your organization.

Accounting Integration

The first of these is an accounting integration, through which your company's received invoice would flow from EPRO and into your general accounting platform. Data can also eventually flow back from the accounting platform so that users can see when their invoices have been paid.

Punch Out Configuration

Another commonly used integration involves integrating a supplier's purchasing website with EPRO so that users are able to do their searching and item selection directly from the supplier. This is known as a Punch Out. When a user completes their cart selection and submits their order on a supplier's Punch Out, the user is then redirected back into EPRO to review and submit their order. The Punch Out process allows users to shop a supplier's entire catalog while also allowing the system to track purchasing and invoicing data for those orders.

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