Transaction Origin Report
The Transaction Origin Report provides a month by month breakdown of transactions and spend placed for each preferred vendor. This information is provided for each property at an organization over the previous twelve months. The data presented in this report is the driving force behind the Transaction Origin Summary, which is described below.
The Transaction Origin Summary displays a monthly percentage of the number of Buyer Generated POs vs. those that originate as a result of email, call-in, or other external order methods. In most cases this report will display a number of Expected System POs, which are POs from suppliers who are known to not be setup in the system. This report also displays the percentage of System Generated POs each month.
Buyer Generate POs - POs that were submitted by the buyer (users) through the EPRO system.
Expected System POs - POs from suppliers who do not receive electronic orders from the EPRO system.
System Generated POs - POs that resulted due to email orders, call-in orders, or other external order methods.
Total POs - The sum of all Buyer Generate POs, Expected System POs, and System Generated POs.
Trans. Origin Ratio - The number of Buyer POs divided by the number of Total POs.
This report should only be run as CSV format. CSV is selected by default for this report.