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Classic Reports

Creating a report is simple. Select the report type and format that satisfies the information you are trying to extract. There are multiple report types and report formats. Each one has its own set of parameters that work to include or exclude certain information, at your discretion.

Report Formats include Adobe Acrobat Reader, Comma Delimited, Crystal Report, HTML, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel.


The Adobe Acrobat Reader format requires the Acrobat Reader plug-in for your browser. More information on the plug-in is available on Adobe’s website. The Crystal Report format requires that you have Crystal Reports installed on your machine. Similarly, you should have Microsoft Word and Excel installed to produce reports in each of these formats.

Most reports offer a vendor or distributor selection, as well as a Date Range parameter. These basic constraints can help to drastically narrow down information presented. Each report type will provide different constraints based upon the purpose of that report.

Reports Queue

The Reports Queue contains all previously run reports as well as any reports you are currently running. Look in the queue for status updates concerning a report that is being generated. This is where you will access the list of all reports that have been run.

From this screen, you can also setup reports to run periodically. You can do this by:

  1. Running a report > In the Reports Queue, once report is complete, click on N/A under Schedule.

  2. Check the “scheduled” box > Enter the numbers of days you want to run the report.

  3. Save.

For more information click here.

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